I have used the following code to create a mesh object
var defaultPartGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
var defaultPartMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000, wireframe: false});
default = new THREE.Mesh(defaultPartGeometry, defaultPartMaterial);
How can I make this invisible? Setting the opacity
for this object to null
did not work.
I address the object by its ID
and then try to set the opacity
(I also have tried to address the material: object.material
object = SceneService.scene.getObjectByName(ID);
tweens.push(tl.to(object, 2, { opacity: 0 }, e.time));
Tween the position is working:
tweens.push(tl.to(object.position, 2, { x: target.X, z: target.Y }, e.time));
object = SceneService.scene.getObjectByName(e.id);
object.transparent = true;
tweens.push(tl.to(object.position, 2, { x: target.X, z: target.Y }), e.time);
tweens.push(tl.to(object, 2, { opacity: 0 }), e.time);
You may have forgotten the transparent
property :
object.material.transparent = true ;
TweenMax.to( object.material, duration, { opacity : 0 } );