I decided to take my project in the Restangular, but I have some problems in the SAVE and UPDATE operations.
I use the API restheart with mongodb.
In SAVE in my case, I'm saving a New Post, and when by chance I make any changes, it saves a new post out instead of updating it.
UPDATE on, I can update the first instance, for example, make a change in title and saved, it updated if I update again .. generates this error:
PUT 412 (Precondition Failed) Follow my resource and code:
$scope.items = res;
my SAVE:
// create new object item
$scope.item = Restangular.one($scope.section);
// save object
$scope.addItem = function(){
toast.msgToast($scope.section + ' ...item criado!');
}, function(err){
toast.msgToast($scope.section + ' ...ocorreu um erro ao criar o item!');
$scope.updateItem = function(){
toast.msgToast($scope.section+ ' #' +$scope.item._id.$oid+ ' ....Atualizado!');
$scope.loadItem = function(){
Restangular.one($scope.section, $stateParams.id).get().then(function(item) {
$scope.item = item;
In RESTHeart, POST and PUT are upsert operations, i.e. they create a resource if it does not exist or updates it.
The point here is about the _id:
In your case, on fist POST (that creates the document), you need to get the Location response header with the URI of the created post resource and reload it via a GET operation; further POST with this data (that now contains the generated _id) will result in an update.
In any case, when your are doing a POST, PATCH, PUT or DELETE operation on an existing resource, you need to pass the ETag via the If-Match request header. You can find more information in the ETag section of the official documentation, including an example with AngularJs.
More, there is a complete example of a web application using RESTHeart, AngluarJs and Restangular on github: restheart-notes-example.
Have a look at the notes.js controller, where you'll find all the logic to create, update and delete documents.