Is it possible to use long long as a value at QJsonObject ? I was forced to change my API from JSON to XML because 1 field I got had BigInt values and aparently I can't extract big numbers from QJsonValue.
Here's my peace of code that may show what is going on:
QJsonObject json;
unsigned long long ulongmax = ULONG_LONG_MAX;
QVariant variant = ulongmax;
qDebug() << variant;
qDebug() << ulongmax;
json.insert( "key", QJsonValue::fromVariant( variant ) );
unsigned long long json_value = json.value("key").toVariant().toULongLong();
qDebug() << json_value;
QVariant(qulonglong, 18446744073709551615)
Desired output:
QVariant(qulonglong, 18446744073709551615)
Am I doing anything wrong? Can anyone help me find out how to make it work properly without external libs? Thank you!
My solution to this problem is as simple as to write JSON strings instead of JSON numbers:
It may make sense to check for errors in the conversion, see the API documentation of the provided links.
A potential problem is that numbers in JSON do not require quotes. So it may be that you have to convert your JSON files first to comply to this string convention.