Take a look at this code example:
$store = array('This is something \" "special"!', 'Something else "special"!');
$ff = fopen('/tmp/aaaa.csv', 'w');
fputcsv($ff, $store);
It gives as a result this:
"This is something \" ""special""!","Something else ""special""!"
What bothers me is that \" remains unchanged. I would expect it to become \"" or at least "". Am I wrong?
In any case this behavior breaks the csv since, for example, postgresql refuses to import such csv...
fputcsv function by default escapes the backslash character. You can check in the manual $escape_char = "\"
If you don't want to escape the backslash character then you can specify other character like below:
fputcsv($ff, $store, ',', '"', '!');
This will give you the desired output.