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Lazy list wrapped in IO

Suppose the code

f :: IO [Int]
f = f >>= return . (0 :)

g :: IO [Int]
g = f >>= return . take 3

When I run g in ghci, it cause stackoverflow. But I was thinking maybe it could be evaluated lazily and produce [0, 0, 0] wrapped in IO. I suspect IO is to blame here, but I really have no idea. Obviously the following works:

f' :: [Int]
f' = 0 : f'

g' :: [Int]
g' = take 3 f'

Edit: In fact I am not interested in having such a simple function f, original code looked more along the lines:

h :: a -> IO [Either b c]
h a = do
    (r, a') <- h' a
    case r of
        x@(Left  _) -> h a' >>= return . (x :)
        y@(Right _) -> return [y]

h' :: IO (Either b c, a)
-- something non trivial

main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ print . take 3 =<< h a

h does some IO computations and stores invalid (Left) responses in a list until a valid response (Right) is produced. The attempt is to construct the list lazily even though we are in the IO monad. So that someone reading the result of h can start consuming the list even before it is complete (because it may even be infinite). And if the one reading the results cares only for the first 3 entries no matter what, the rest of the list does not even have to be constructed. And I am getting the feeling that this will not be possible :/.


  • I'm not sure if this is an appropriate usage, but unsafeInterleaveIO would get you the behavior you're asking for, by deferring the IO actions of f until the value inside of f is asked for:

    module Tmp where
    import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
    f :: IO [Int]
    f = unsafeInterleaveIO f >>= return . (0 :)
    g :: IO [Int]
    g = f >>= return . take 3
    *Tmp> g