According to Scaleout with SQL Server you can use SignalR.SqlServer to keep SignalR synced on a load balancing setup. I have an existing MVC 5 website with its own database created using Entity Code First. The article seems to use a dedicated database with service broker enabled and says not to modify the database.
So do I need to have a separate database for this? I know Entity can be picky if the database schema doesn't match and I worry that if I try to use the SignalR Sql Server package with the existing database that the tables it creates will cause a context changed error.
Also can someone provide me with more information about using the Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.SqlServer package. The article I linked doesn't give a ton of detail and I don't know if I need to change anything in my hub and groups or if it is all handled automatically.
You should be able to, though you'd likely want to separate your entity framework definitions from signalR. You can either put SignalR in a separate database, or give the two a separate schema.
In terms of configuration, you'll need to make an addition to the Startup class of your web project:
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var sqlConnectionString = "connection string here";