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MobileFirst Container Image doesn't show runtimes in Operations Console

I am using the evaluation container image for Bluemix. I have downloaded the image, and configured all the .properties files for scripts. Then pushed the image. I have used Clouding as the DB.

When I start the container, I see no runtimes displayed in Operation Console. When I open Cloudant console, I can see only one DB created with the name of the project I chose to deploy. There is no DB for administration.

I am not able to check the logs, it throws an error when I chose to create a volume in startsrver script. I am not able to login using SSH as well although I pasted the SSH public key file in usr/ssh before pushing.


  • The standard flow to have all up running is this:

    ./ args/
    ./ args/
    #this step you will repeat for each runtime you have to install.
    ./ args/
    #steps to be repeated for deploys
    ./ args/
    ./ args/

    The tricky here is that in the args/ the runtime property is commented.

    At the file args/ is the same at the file args/, it is not commented.

    Said that first you run:

    ./ args/

    then you run the following command to to create the runtime DB:

    ./ args/

    After that, you follow with the deploy sequence:

    #steps to be repeated for deploys
    ./ args/
    ./ args/

    Details at:

    Example of the app properties:

    #   Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
    #   5725-I43 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013. All Rights Reserved.
    #   US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
    #   disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.  
    #  This file defines the various properties that needs to be provided for running the script
    #  Run script to configure the management and runtime databases for the MobileFirst Platform projects. 
    #  The Bluemix DB service type. The value can be either sqldb or cloudantNoSQLDB
    #  Bluemix DB service instance name
    #  Bluemix database service plan to create the service instance. For SQL DB, the accepted values are sqldb_small, sqldb_free, sqldb_premium.
    #  For Cloudant DB, the accepted value is Shared
    #  Bluemix application name to bind the DB service instance
    APP_NAME=<your app name>
    #  (Optional) The name of the runtime project to be deployed on MFPF server. Specified only for configuring runtime database
    #  (Optional) Database Schema Name. Defaults to WLADMIN for admin database and runtime name for runtime database