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Run open file with Opendialog and execute it

I want to do something like this:

ShellExecute(0, nil, PChar('E:\generic\mpv\mpv.exe'), PChar(''+TntOpenDialog1.FileName+''), nil, SW_HIDE);

but nothing happened.
When I try to do something with code like this:


it just shows me the first letter of file which I selected before.
How can I solve this problem?


  • if you space in the file path expect, you can not pass a param like ''+myparam+''

    myparam : AnsiString;
    myparam := 'test file nr 10.txt';
    ShellExecute(0, nil, PChar('...'), PChar(''+myparam+''), nil, SW_HIDE);

    ParamStr(1) will give you only test !!

    If you have spaces in the path use it like:

    ShellExecute(0, nil, PChar('...'), PChar('"'+myparam+'"'), nil, SW_HIDE);

    Try following. but take care with the cast from FFileName: WideString to AnsiString, information may be lost. Use this only if there are no special characters in the file path occur.

    AnsiStr : AnsiString;
    AnsiStr := TntOpenDialog1.FileName;
    ShellExecute(0, nil, PChar('E:\generic\mpv\mpv.exe'), PChar('"'+AnsiStr+'"'), nil, SW_HIDE);