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Stacked chart in ggvis, rcharts for continuous data

Below is a subset of the data I have.

Abby    John       Mike             Date
4.0       6         3               03-30
3.2       5         1               03-31
4.0       6         3               04-01
4.1       8         2               04-02
6.0       6         1               04-03

Am trying to plot a stacked/grouped bar chart with date on the x axis and all the users data on the Y (for a particular date 3 grouped bars on the Y axis indicating Abby, John and Mike's data). I tried using the Rcharts library example at:

But unlike the one used there, my data is continuous and not a factor. Is there anyway I can do this using ggvis or rCharts? I have only used these 2 plotting libraries as yet.

Appreciate any help or guidance. Thanks.


  • You can use Highcharts in RChartsto do what you want. Note that you would probably need to manipulate the data a bit...

    rm(list = ls())
    # Prepare data
    x <- data.frame(USPersonalExpenditure)
    colnames(x) <- substr(colnames(x), 2, 5)
    Names <- rownames(x)
    Dates <- colnames(x)
    colnames(x) <- Names
    rownames(x) <- Dates
    # Create chart
    a <- rCharts:::Highcharts$new()
    a$chart(type = "column")
    a$title(text = "US Personal Expenditure")
    a$xAxis(categories = rownames(x))
    a$plotOptions(column = list(stacking = "normal"))
    a$yAxis(title = list(text = "Billions of dollars"))

    enter image description here