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Logstash field with a null fvalue

I'm using logstash to parse a value like:


My bit to capture it is:


I do not get an error, and all my other fields match, but I think I should get an empty value like "servlet_sessions" => "" in my stdout { codec => rubydebug } } but I do not have the servlet_sessions key there.

Any ideas?


  • I think you are looking for the keep_empty_captures parameter of the Grok filter configuration.

    input {  stdin { }  }
    filter {
      grok {
        keep_empty_captures => true
        match => { "message" => "\|SERVLETSESSIONS=(?<servlet_sessions>[0-9]*)\|" }
    output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }

    The above configuration results in the following output:

              "message" => "|SERVLETSESSIONS=|",
             "@version" => "1",
           "@timestamp" => "2015-09-09T13:44:52.754Z",
                 "host" => "localhost",
     "servlet_sessions" => ""