I'm building an application for a Telco, using Scala and Akka, and need to communicate with Account Information and Refill servers using the UCIP protocol.
UCIP is a simple protocol, built on XMLRPC; the only issue I'm having is that it requires clients to set the User-Agent
header in the specific format User-Agent: <client name>/<protocol version>/<client version>
, which spray parses as invalid.
I tried creating a custom User-Agent
header, inheriting from spray.http.HttpHeader
but it still doesn't work. Here's what I've got so far:
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.event.{Logging, LoggingAdapter}
import spray.client.pipelining._
import spray.http._
import spray.httpx._
case class `User-Agent`(value: String) extends HttpHeader {
def lowercaseName: String = "user-agent"
def name: String = "User-Agent"
def render[R <: Rendering](r: R): r.type = r ~~ s"User-Agent: $value"
class UcipClient(val url: String, val protocol: String, username: String, password: String) (implicit system: ActorSystem) {
val log = Logging.getLogger(system, this)
val logRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest = { r => log.debug(r.toString); r }
val logResponse: HttpResponse => HttpResponse = { r => log.debug(r.toString); r }
val pipeline = (
~> addCredentials(BasicHttpCredentials(username, password))
~> logRequest
~> sendReceive
~> logResponse
def send(req: UcipRequest) = pipeline(Post(url, req.getRequest))
My requests keep returning "Sorry, Error occured: 403, Invalid protocol version Not defined", however, they return the correct response when I send the same details using curl
What am I missing, and is this even possible with spray-client? I've spent a fair bit of time checking the internets (which led me towards the custom header route), but still haven't figured this out...would really appreciate any help :-)
Turns out I wasn't far from the answer. While examining the headers being sent over the wire, I noticed the User-Agent
was being set twice: once by my code, and again by Spray (because it considered my header invalid).
Setting the spray.can.client.user-agent-header
to the empty string ""
removed the second header, and requests were successful. Here's the final version of the custom header:
import spray.http._
object CustomHttpHeaders {
case class `User-Agent`(val value: String) extends HttpHeader with Product with Serializable {
def lowercaseName: String = "user-agent"
def name: String = "User-Agent"
def render[R <: Rendering](r: R): r.type = r ~~ s"User-Agent: $value"
And the final UCIP client:
import akka.actor.ActorRefFactory
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import spray.client.pipelining._
import spray.http._
import spray.httpx._
class UcipFault(val code: Int, msg: String) extends RuntimeException(s"$code: $msg")
class AirException(val code: Int) extends RuntimeException(s"$code")
class UcipClient(config: Config, val url: String)(implicit context: ActorRefFactory) {
import CustomHttpHeaders._
val throwOnFailure: NodeSeq => NodeSeq = {
case f if (f \\ "fault").size != 0 =>
val faultData = (f \\ "fault" \\ "member" \ "value")
throw new UcipFault((faultData \\ "i4").text.toInt,
(faultData \\ "string").text)
case el =>
val responseCode = ((el \\ "member")
.filter { n => (n \\ "name").text == "responseCode" }
.map { n => (n \\ "i4").text.toInt }).head
if (responseCode == 0) el else throw new AirException(responseCode)
val pipeline = (
~> addCredentials(BasicHttpCredentials(config.getString("ucip.server-username"), config.getString("ucip.server-password")))
~> sendReceive
~> unmarshal[NodeSeq]
~> throwOnFailure
def send(req: UcipRequest) = pipeline(Post(url, req.getRequest))