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cakephp-sms not working transport class not found

I am trying to send sms using cakephp-sms plugin

The documentation is quite clear and brief. I installed it using Composer in my app/Plugin directory. I also installed xi-sms using composer. This was installed in the Vendor directory. In my controller for sending sms. I included App::uses('CakeSms', 'Sms.Network/Sms') and implemented an InfobipSmsTransport class in the Sms/Lib/Network/Sms. Below is my class


   use Xi\Sms\Gateway\InfobipGateway;

   App::uses('AbstractSmsTransport', 'Sms.Network/Sms');
   class InfobipSmsTransport extends AbstractSmsTransport {
   const INFOBIP_USER = 'XXXXX';


    * @param CakeSms $sms
   * @return bool Success
  public function send(CakeSms $sms) {
    $gw = new InfobipGateway(

    $service = new Xi\Sms\SmsService($gw);

    $msg = new Xi\Sms\SmsMessage(

    $response = $service->send($msg);

    return !empty($response);

When I try to send an SMS however I get the following error Class "InfobipSmsTransport" not found.. I have no idea what am doing wrong? Any clues or suggestions are welcome.


  • The CakeSms class was not loading the plugin. This is the line of code where it was failing. App::uses($transportClassname, $plugin . 'Network/Sms');.

    In my app/Config/sms.php I just changed this 'transport' =>'Infobip' to
    'transport' =>'Sms.Infobip'. The plugin is now being loaded properly and the class is found.