I'm building a CloudFoundry application in Bluemix using the API Management service. For this I'm following this tutorial http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-bluemix-api-mgmt-app/index.html.
I can successfully create an API Plan for a custom REST API application (running on a Liberty server on Bluemix as well) and it is published.
I can also create a service in my Bluemix dashboard using the new Custom API, which I take as the API plan was successfully deployed on Bluemix.
Whenever I try to bind this new service I get the following message:
BXNUI2055E: Unable to connect to Cloud Foundry because of the following exception: "Read timed out." If the problem persists, see the Troubleshooting topics in the IBM Bluemix Documentation to check service status, review troubleshooting information, or for information about getting help.
From time to time I also get this message
The service broker returned an invalid response for the request to https://apimasv1-stage.stage1.mybluemix.net/d118dceb-edbf-4a7f-9bab-d44371b0c9f9/privateservices/v2/service_instances/1a60830c-0796-4105-afb4-e3477424acf9/service_bindings/ebb853dc-ec88-4987-b8f2-e9acd38d1741. Status Code: 502 Bad Gateway, Body: 502 Bad Gateway: Registered endpoint failed to handle the request.
Also, I can open the API portal and see the services listed in there. However, whenever I try to test the service, I get the following error
A security error has occurred. If using a self-signed certificate on your gateway, you will need to accept it in your browser, which you can do by clicking the following link. https://api.wawona.apim.ibmcloud.com/victorshmx1ibmcom-dev/sb/LibraryREST/rs/authors/1
Also, below in the response I get this message:
NetworkError: Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Failed to load 'https://api.wawona.apim.ibmcloud.com/victorshmx1ibmcom-dev/sb/LibraryREST/rs/authors/1'.
I must clarify this service (the liberty app) doesn't have any security constraint to access the REST service nor I added some kind of security in the API Management portal.
Another thing to clarify is that I can bind other services, but not this one.
Does anyone know how I can fix those problems? Is there a known issue with IBM API Management service?
this seems to be an error with the service API Management instance you are trying to bind to. You could open a ticket to support team following the link you can find here: https://developer.ibm.com/bluemix/support/
Click on 'Contact IBM' and open a 'Support ticket'