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Update bulk number of records in oracle

I am new to sql. Can someone help me with this requirement.

I have table with 10000 records like this

CompanyID         Name 
300001            A
300004            B
300005            C
300007            D
310000            XXX

And I have a another list of companyIDs that I am going to update the above table(It is just an excel sheet not a table)

OldID       NewID
300001      500001
300002      500002
300003      500003
300004      500004
300005      500005
310000      510000

My requirement is, If I found the companyID in the first table I need to update it with the NewID and If I didn't find the companyId in the first table I have to create a new row in the table with the NewID regardless of oldID.

Is there any possibility to do both update and insert in a single query?


  • You're describing an "upsert" or MERGE statement, typically:

    merge into table_a
    using (<some_statement>)
       on (<some_condition>)
     when matched then
             set ...
     when not matched then
          insert (<column_list>)
          values (<column_list>);

    However, a MERGE can't update a value that's referenced in the ON clause, which is what will be required in order to do what you're asking. You will, therefore, require two statements:

    update table_to_be_updated t
       set companyid =  (select newid from new_table where oldid = t.companyid )
    insert into table_to_be_updated
    select newid
      from newtable t
     where not exists ( select 1 
                          from table_to_be_updated
                         where t.newid = companyid )

    If it's possible for a newid and an oldid to be the same then you're going to run into problems. This also assumes that your new table is unique on oldid and newid - it has to be unique in order to do what you want so I don't think this is an unreasonable assumption.