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How to read a log file which is hourly updated in c#?

I'm trying to write a console app in C# which reads a log file. The problem that i'm facing is that this log file is updated every 1 hour so for example, if I had 10 lines in the beginning and afterwards 12, in my second read attempt i will have to read only the 2 newly added lines. Can you suggest me a way to do this efficiently (without the need to read all the lines again because the log file usually has 5000+ lines)?


  • First of all you can use FileSystemWatcher to have notifications after file changed.

    Morover you can use FileStream and Seek function to ready only new added lines. On there is an example with Thread.Sleep:

    using ( StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(fileName, 
                         FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) )
        //start at the end of the file
        long lastMaxOffset = reader.BaseStream.Length;
        while ( true )
            //if the file size has not changed, idle
            if ( reader.BaseStream.Length == lastMaxOffset )
            //seek to the last max offset
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(lastMaxOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            //read out of the file until the EOF
            string line = "";
            while ( (line = reader.ReadLine()) != null )
            //update the last max offset
            lastMaxOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;