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TeamCity - no artifacts generated with Octopus Deploy / Octopack

I have a Visual Studio project, that's set up in TeamCity with a build-task to create artifacts via OctoPack (3.0.43). Next, a deploy-task, that receives the output NuGet-package from the build-task task (on successful build) as a dependency.

I've tried setting up the build-task using both the MsBuild build-runner and the Visual Studio (sln) one, but in both cases no artifacts are created.

I've added the OctoPack NuGet package to my Visual Studio project.


  • Found this one out myself:

    When I added OctoPack NuGet package, all seemed well. Hinted by various posts, I looked to the OctoPack.targets file. Here I stumbled upon the Install.ps1 file, that seemed to be supposed to inject some build-actions in the VS project's .csproj file upon adding the NuGet package to project.

    Next up, I removed the NuGet package and tried re-installing, but this time using the Package Management Console (View > Other Windows > Package Management Console) with command:

    Install-Package OctoPack

    This output the following:

    Successfully added 'OctoPack 3.0.43' to MySolution.MyProject. & : File C:\somepath\mysolution\packages\OctoPack.3.0.43\tools\Install.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at At line:1 char:3

    So, some security stuff was preventing the PowerShell script to do its stuff with the .csproj file.


    In the same window (Package Management Console) or in an elevated PowerShell, execute

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

    Retry NuGet package-installation (still same window or using the NuGet GUI) - now the NuGet package installer should inject whatever your version of OctoPack wants it to. After this, my TeamCity build started generating OctoPack artifacts correctly.