I'm using Fluent module multilanguage support for SilverStripe 3.1 and there is no documentation for using the Date function into Templates.
The file fluent.yml have these configurations :
Name: myfluentconfig
After: '#fluentconfig'
default_locale: fr_CA
- en_CA
- fr_CA
en_CA: en
fr_CA: fr
Name: myfluenti18nconfig
After: '#fluenti18nconfig'
default_locale: fr_CA
I have also remove in mysite/_config.php :
// i18n::set_locale('fr_FR');
That work great on my site. But how show dates in correct Language? If my Date variable is $date in my template, I can add $date.month to show the full month. But actually, it only appear in english on fr_CA site. So, Is it possible to show the french date in other ways?
Date and localisation, a pita for every multilangual developer. FormatI18N should return the formatted string using strftime() depending on the current locale. It won't work if you have not installed your locale (fr_FR) on your server. Or if you use e.g. fr_FR@utf-8... I had to include this setlocale on a site of mine in mysite/_config.php to get it working:
setlocale(LC_TIME, "de_AT.utf8");
and overwrite it later in Page_controller::init(). (It's a translatable based site, fluent does that for you automatically)
So plese check the installed locales on your machine.