I have a component (Which performs text input) rendered twice inside another one.
When I hit a key in one of the text input components, each is notified...
The component takes a time string like "14:30"
, and should allow hour & minute parts input.
Reflux actions:
let TimeActions = Reflux.createActions([
Reflux mixin:
let TimeMixin = {
init: function() {
onSetHour(h) {
this.time.hour = h;
onSetMinute(m) {
this.time.minute = m;
React component:
export default class TimePicker extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
let parts = this.props.time.split(':'),
time = {
hour: parts[0],
minute: parts[1]
this.store = Reflux.createStore({
mixins: [ TimeMixin ],
time: time
this.state = time;
componentDidMount() {
this.unsubscribe = this.store.listen(this.onTimeChanged.bind(this));
componentWillUnmount() {
onTimeChanged(time) {
console.log('TIME SET TO', time);
render() {
let classes = classNames('time-picker');
return (
<div className={classes}>
<input type="text" className="hour" maxLength="2"
onChange={this.onHourChanged} />
<td class="separator">:</td>
<input type="text" className="minute" maxLength="2"
onChange={this.onMinuteChanged} />
onHourChanged(event) {
onMinuteChanged(event) {
I render the TimePicker
twice from another React component...
<TimePicker time={this.props.from} />
<TimePicker time={this.props.to} />
... and when typing "01"
inside the minute's input of any of the instances, I get the following log:
TIME SET TO Object {hour: "08", minute: "01"}
TIME SET TO Object {hour: "12", minute: "01"}
Any idea of what I am doing wrong?
This is because you create two stores at the constructor level of your component.
You should create the store outside of the component so only one will exist regardless if you have one or millions instances of your component.