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Modifying JSON with Python

The code belonging to this question is available on github.

I've written a script that parses addresses from a csv file, queries the corresponding coordinates (longitude and latitude) using geopy and writes the output to a text file in the JSON format.

The print statement that writes the data into a JSON file is not beautiful:

print('{"type": "Feature","geometry": { "coordinates": ['+str(location.longitude)+
    ','+str(location.latitude)+ ',],"type": "Point"},"properties": {"title": "dentist #1","privat": true,"marker-color": "#6699ff","marker-size": "large","marker-symbol": "dentist"}},')
    file.write('{"type": "Feature","geometry": { "coordinates": ['+str(location.longitude)+
    ','+str(location.latitude)+ ',],"type": "Point"},"properties": {"title": "dentist #1","privat": true,"marker-color": "#6699ff","marker-size": "large","marker-symbol": "dentist"}},')

There must be a better (easier) way to do this. I've started to google around, but am not satisfied with what I'm finding. Does anybody have suggestions on how to handle JSON in Python more gracefully?


  • json.dumps() and json.loads() are your friends.