I read book play with scala written in 2013 and I have already found some problems with the latest play version. One of them was i18n Messages, which I successfully solved. But now I meet another problem, which is:
Author explains flash scope. And in the example in the book there is something like: (inside main.scala.html template)
@(title: String)(content: Html)(implicit flash: Flash)
But in my code it must be:
@(title: String)(content: Html)(implicit messages: Messages)(implicit flash: Flash)
And here's the problem. When I add (implicit flash: Flash) I recieve an error by my IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) which is: "wrong top statement declaration"
I suppose that template has its maximum number of parameters (templates are functions as far as I know) so I cant add one more. The question is how to obtain flash scope object?
Please explain to me the idea of these parameters. Thanks!
There can be only one implicit parameter list in a function and must be the last one, like this: @(title: String)(content: Html)(implicit messages: Messages, flash: Flash)