I'm using Falcon framework. I want that all standalone classes store in their own dirs( class that serve for /module1/ was inside dir /module1/):
In app.py I have initialization of application:
import falcon
# falcon.API instances are callable WSGI apps
My problems:
I need do this code:
module2_mngr = Module2(CONFIG_FILE)
app.add_route('/module2', module2_mngr)
PS: Sorry for my English
Simple example where I can use different configuration based on api.debug.DEBUG flag:
create some base path: /somepath/my_app/
create the folder sturcture:
create empty files:
Example main.py (/somepath/my_app/main.py):
import api.debug
api.debug.DEBUG = False
import conf
Setup api.debug.DEBUG == False
DEBUG = False
Create simple "router":
So we create
import api.debug
if not api.debug.DEBUG:
from conf.prod import *
from conf.dev import *