I meet one issue in plotting multiple line with dgraph,
I have one dataframe as below, it contain time, channel and SNR value, I want to display SNR value for each channel, and I expect the dygraph display 8 Line(it have 8 channel)in dataset.
time channel SNR
1 2015-09-03 02:40:44 6 -125
2 2015-09-03 02:40:49 3 -95
3 2015-09-03 02:40:54 0 22
4 2015-09-03 02:40:59 0 28
5 2015-09-03 02:41:04 5 -125
6 2015-09-03 02:41:09 2 -52
So I use reshape2:dcast to do the reshape
gateSNR_c <- dcast(gateSNR_df, time~channel, value.var="SNR")
time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2015-09-03 02:40:44 NA NA NA NA NA NA -125 NA
2 2015-09-03 02:40:49 NA NA NA -95 NA NA NA NA
3 2015-09-03 02:40:54 22 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 2015-09-03 02:40:59 28 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
5 2015-09-03 02:41:04 NA NA NA NA NA -125 NA NA
6 2015-09-03 02:41:09 NA NA -52 NA NA NA NA NA
I then change to XTS object for dygraph display
> gateSNR_xts <- xts(gateSNR_c[,-1], as.POSIXct(gateSNR_c[,1]))
> head(gateSNR_xts)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2015-09-03 02:40:44 NA NA NA NA NA NA -125 NA
2015-09-03 02:40:49 NA NA NA -95 NA NA NA NA
2015-09-03 02:40:54 22 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2015-09-03 02:40:59 28 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2015-09-03 02:41:04 NA NA NA NA NA -125 NA NA
2015-09-03 02:41:09 NA NA -52 NA NA NA NA NA
Somehow, dygraph(gateSNR_xts) not working properly due to the NA value, I can't just omit NA because it might losing the entire entry.
Q1: Is there anyway for R to plot each line and skipping the NA value? Q2: If not, I can generate 8 xts instead. how can I display the 8 xts line in one dygraph?
Thanks for your help James
You need to use dygraphs::dyOptions
and set option connectSeparatedPoints
mdeaths[sample(seq_along(mdeaths), 20)] <- NA
ldeaths[sample(seq_along(ldeaths), 20)] <- NA
lungDeaths <- cbind(ldeaths, mdeaths)
dygraph(lungDeaths) %>%
dyOptions(connectSeparatedPoints = TRUE)
More information: dygraphs official documentation http://dygraphs.com/options.html#connectSeparatedPoints