import Control.Monad.State
type Stack = [Integer]
pop :: State Stack Integer
pop = state $ \(x:xs) -> (x, xs)
push :: Integer -> State Stack ()
push x = state $ \xs -> ((), (x:xs))
main :: IO()
main = print $ runState `enter code here` [1,2,3,4]
using "pop >>= (\s1 -> pop >>= (\s2 -> push
enter code here
)" what should i write here?
The compiler can figure out the type to fill in a blank. If I add a hole _
to the code
add = pop >>= \s1 -> pop >>= \s2 -> push _
The compiler tells me it should have the type Integer
Found hole `_' with type: Integer
What Integer
could you put there that would be the sum of the values popped off the stack?