I am using a rating scale. Participants use the 't' and 'b' keys to move the cursor along the scale. Each trial is currently 6 seconds long. If a participant stops pressing 't' or 'b' before 6 seconds are up, I want to log the time of the last keypress in my logfile. However, I'm not sure how to check which keypress is the last. I was thinking of logging the RT of the last keypress in the list, but code is checking for keypresses on every refresh. This is what I have so far:
for eachPic in catPictures:
prevPos = 0
timer = core.CountdownTimer(TrialDuration)
event.clearEvents() # get rid of other, unprocessed events
while timer.getTime() > 0:
for key in event.getKeys():
if key in ['escape']:
core.quit() # quit if they press escape
if key in ['b']:
# add keypress to list for each keypress. then move cursor proportionally to length of this list
if key in ['t']:
(another answer to this question).Untested code:
timer = core.CountdownTimer(TrialDuration)
stepSize = 1
for eachPic in catPictures:
prevPos = 0 # keeps track of the slider position
rts=[] # used to keep track of what the latest reaction time was. Reset in the beginning of every trial.
event.clearEvents() # get rid of other, unprocessed events
while timer.getTime() > 0:
for key, rt in event.getKeys(timeStamped=timer): # time keys to this clock
rts += [rt] # add this reaction time to the list
if key in ['escape']:
core.quit() # quit if they press escape
if key in ['b']:
# add keypress to list for each keypress. then move cursor proportionally to length of this list
if key in ['t']:
# Log here instead of print
print rts[-1]