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phpCake - find child of child

I am doing some changes to a website running phpCake, where I am not totally familiar with. I tried their documentation, but unfortunately could not get a grasp on my problem.

I am trying to find an Item by id, with its children Videos, and with for each Video its child VideoThumbnail.

I have the following model configuration:

Item => hasMany Videos
Video => belongsTo Item
Video => hasOne VideoThumbnail
VideoThumbnail => belongsTo Video

I run the following code:

$this->Item->find('first', $options)

Is there something wrong in my configuration, or should I simply loop through the Videos and find the VideoThumbnails in the loop?



Use containable behavior

$options["contain"] = "Video.Videothumbnail";
$this->Item->find('first', $options)


  • Use the Containable behavior and use contain option in find options to specify the associated records to fetch.

    P. S. It's CakePHP not phpCake.