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"cannot find original pch source file" while running oclint-xcodebuild manually

So I am using Xcode version 6.3.1 and I am trying to run OClint manually using the link here

So when first time I followed the process I was able to generate compile_commands.json successfully using "oclint-xcodebuild" and while running "oclint-json-compilation-database" I was stuck for long so I tried rerunning "oclint-xcodebuild" deleting the compile_commands.json file and now I am not able to.

The commandline shows this error "cannot find original pch source file for /var/folders/b_/7xppkkm52111c6pxwcm48k2sd8zptt/C/"

I tried cleaning build.. Doing everyrthing but not much help available online. i am not using cocoapods


  • Ohkk here what i did so I went to the "/var/folders/b_/7xppkkm52111c6pxwcm48k2sd8zptt/C/" path or wherever youer path is and delete all the pch files in the folder with certain extentions.

    Delete xcodebuild.log and compile_commands.json and now start with generating the log file again with the whole flow.

    It worked :)