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Why registering COM interfaces?

I've used COM for some years now but I keep learning new (and strange) things.

Recently I've realized that COM interfaces didn't had to be registered in the registry for components implementing them to work.

I've come to this conclusion after analysing the registry of a workstation where COM DLLs (implemented in .Net/C#) were registered with .reg files created by RegAsm because the user was not an administrator. And RegAsm only generates registry keys for COM classes and not interfaces.

If that's true my guess is that interfaces are important for early binding and have only to be present in TLB files. On the contrary registering implementations (classes) is essential because they are backed by physical code on the file-system that need to be referenced.

1) So am I crazy, missing something, or interfaces can be omitted?

2) If they can be omitted what are the consequences if any?


  • There are a lot things that you can't do without the interface being registered. Many of the features of COM -- marshaling, proxying, asynchronous calling -- have standard implementations that prevent you from having to roll this stuff yourself. For example, CoMarshalInterface is a standard way of taking any COM object interface and marshaling that interface into a stream so that it can be unmarshaled in another thread, process or machine. The interface information is critical in this -- without the interface metadata, the standard COM implementations of things like this won't work, as the infrastructure simply doesn't know enough about your interfaces to do what it needs to do in a generic way that works for all COM objects.

    Additionally, while most automation clients (like VBA, C# and C++) can reference a type library file directly for purposes of early-binding, there are still limitations. For example, suppose you're working with a type library that contains some classes that implement interfaces from a different type library, or maybe the interfaces in the first type library accept parameters or return values that are defined by interfaces/enums/etc in another type library. In order for an automation client to work with these interfaces which contain cross-references, the cross-referenced type library must be discoverable somehow. Registration is the way this is accomplished.

    Worth noting: In my experience, pretty much everything that works when a COM object is registered machine-wide (registered in HKLM) works exactly the same when registered per-user (in HKCU). This often makes COM registration more palatable in situations where machine-wide registration can't be performed (e.g. the user is not an admin). However, there are some significant gotchas, most notably