So i have the feeling that this is some stupid mistake on my part, but i can't figure out what is happening.
Some context first: I am playing around with webRTC, building a small videochat app with perl and js. I was afraid to get stuck on the webRTC part, but it turns out i'm stuck with perl.
At the top of my file i instantiate a hash like this
helper clients => sub { state $clients = {} }
whenever a someone makes a get on /
i check if i have an UID for the current client. if not i generate and store it. I then check if the client is already in the clients hash.
if (!$self->session('uid')) {
$self->session('uid' => sha256_hex($self->tx . irand()));
if (!exists $self->clients->{$self->session('uid')}) {
$self->clients->{$self->session('uid')} = $self->tx;
the problem appears in my signaling server. when i use the value from the decoded json i get an undefined error. Do note that the loop is useless, i made it in order to debug.
here is the relevant code:
message => sub {
my ( $ws, $message ) = @_;
my $json = decode_json($message);
for (keys %{$self->clients}) {
app->log->info('$_ is a => ' . $_);
# $_ => 0d96bc9bb05feb9a7c2889209ee777affcaa11252be54ca7ddc349889978850f
app->log->info('json uid => ' . $json->{'uid'});
# json uid => 0d96bc9bb05feb9a7c2889209ee777affcaa11252be54ca7ddc349889978850f
app->log->info('remote address with $_ => ' . $self->clients->{$_}->remote_address);
# remote address with $_ =>
app->log->info('remote address with string => ' . $self->clients->{'0d96bc9bb05feb9a7c2889209ee777affcaa11252be54ca7ddc349889978850f'}->remote_address);
# remote address with string =>
app->log->info('remote address with json_ => ' . $self->clients->{$json->{'uid'}}->remote_address);
# Can't call method "remote_address" on an undefined value at blabla
The thing that i dont understand is that $_
and $json->{'uid'}
hold identical values, so why is the first working and not the second ?
They obviously don't hold identical values. Trailing whitespace?
use Data::Dumper qw( Dumper );
local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
Or in your case, app->log->info
instead of print