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How to programmatically ignore/skip tests with ScalaTest?

I am running some tests with ScalaTest which rely on connections to test servers to be present. I currently created my own Spec similar to this:

abstract class ServerDependingSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {

  def serverIsAvailable: Boolean = {
    // Check if the server is available

Is it possible to ignore (but not fail) tests when this method returns false?

Currently I do it in a "hackish" way:

"Something" should "do something" in {
  if(serverIsAvailable) {
    // my test code

but I want something like

whenServerAvailable "Something" should "do something" in { 
  // test code


"Something" should "do something" whenServerAvailable { 
  // test code

I think I should define my custom tag, but I can only refer to the source code of in or ignore and I do not understand how I should plug in my custom implementations.

How should I accomplish this?


  • You can use Tags to achieve this:

    Documentation on how to use Tags :

    Adding and removing tagged test with command line parameters:

    Example Code:

    import org.scalatest.Tag
    object ServerIsAvailable extends Tag("biz.neumann.ServerIsAvailable")
    "Something" should "do something" taggedAs(ServerIsAvailable) in { 
      // your test here

    Running the tests

    Running the tests is a bitt tricky. It only works for testOnly and testQuick not test. In the example testOnly is short for testOnly *

     sbt "testOnly -- -l biz.neumann.ServerAvailable"