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How to set Custom Response Header to Virtual Directory of Application in IIS?

I have SMData Application in my Default Web Site. I have added attachments virtual directory to SMData application. Now I want set Content-Disposition header for attachment virtual directory. I tried this, but no success:

SET XXXsiteNameXXX=Default Web Site

appcmd set config "%XXXsiteNameXXX%/%XXXappNameXXX%/attachments" -section:system.webServer/httpProtocol /+"customHeaders.[name='Content-Disposition',value='attachment']"

It is trowing error:

Applied configuration changes to section "system.webServer/httpProtocol" for "MA CHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/Default Web Site/SMData/attachments" at configuration comm it path "MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/Default Web Site/SMData/attachments" ERROR ( hresult:80070003, message:Failed to commit configuration changes. The system cannot find the path specified.


  • I found problem. I was creating virtual directory with this code:

    SET XXXtaskDocumentsPathXXX="C:/docs"
    %systemroot%/system32/inetsrv/APPCMD add vdir /"%XXXsiteNameXXX%/%XXXappNameXXX%" /path:"/attachments" /physicalPath:%XXXtaskDocumentsPathXXX%

    Problem is in / in Path. Appcmd doesn't converting it to \ when creating Virtual Directory. And for result Creating web.config is failing. I changed it to backslash and all started to work.