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How to set the Table.Columns of a FlowDocument in a style

I have multiple FlowDocuments, all of them have a table. All tables look the same.
So I want to refactor the FlowDocuments.
My initial document looks like:

<FlowDocument xmlns=...>
      <TableColumn Width="12*" />  
      <TableColumn Width="1.5*" />
      <TableColumn Width="2*" />
      <TableColumn Width="*" />
      <TableColumn Width="2*" />
      <TableColumn Width="*" />
        <TableCell>Some content...</TableCell>

I'm looking for something like:

<FlowDocument xmlns=...>
     <Style TargetType="{x:Type Table}">
       <Setter Property="ColumnsDefinition">
             <TableColumn Width="12*" />  
             <TableColumn Width="1.5*" />
             <TableColumn Width="2*" />
             <TableColumn Width="*" />
             <TableColumn Width="2*" />
             <TableColumn Width="*" />
        <TableCell>Some content...</TableCell>

But unfortunately the FlowDocuments Table doesn't have a property Template.


  • Unfortunately, the Columns property is a read-only collection property, so you can add to it in XAML but you can't set it from a Setter. One way around this problem is to create an attached property that you can set, and then transfer the values from the attached property to the collection. For example:

    public static class TableBehavior
        public static readonly DependencyProperty AttachedColumnsProperty =
            new PropertyMetadata(AttachedColumnsChangedCallback));
        public static void SetAttachedColumns(Table element, IEnumerable<TableColumn> value)
            element.SetValue(AttachedColumnsProperty, value);
        public static IEnumerable<TableColumn> GetAttachedColumns(Table element)
            return (IEnumerable<TableColumn>)element.GetValue(AttachedColumnsProperty);
        private static void AttachedColumnsChangedCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            var table = d as Table;
            if (table != null)
                foreach (var column in (IEnumerable<TableColumn>)e.NewValue)

    And then in XAML:

        <Style TargetType="Table">
            <Setter Property="local:TableBehavior.AttachedColumns">
                    <x:Array Type="TableColumn">
                        <TableColumn Width="12*" />
                        <TableColumn Width="1.5*" />
                        <TableColumn Width="2*" />
                        <TableColumn Width="*" />
                        <TableColumn Width="2*" />
                        <TableColumn Width="*" />