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System.out.println Printing itself when printing

I'm working with a list and I am trying to print the contents to see if I am getting the result that I need. But when I println it, the System.out.println prints itself in it's own print (see below)

09-08 12:18:23.482    7718-7718/com.example I/System.out﹕ IMAGES are: [
09-08 12:18:23.482    7718-7718/com.example I/System.out﹕ [ 09-08 12:18:23.482 7718: 7718 I/System.out ]
09-08 12:18:23.482    7718-7718/com.example I/System.out﹕ [ 09-08 12:18:23.482  7718: 7718 I/System.out ]
09-08 12:18:23.482    7718-7718/com.example I/System.out﹕ [ 09-08 12:18:23.482  7718: 7718 I/System.out ]
__,__AonUsfgTZpcdHUg4njUtExFC53E6IKRq.jpg, , , ]

Here is the code where I print the list:

final List<String> images = db.getAPIImages();
    for (String e : images){
        System.out.println("IMAGES are: " + e);

I'm not sure if this is just an issue with Android Studio, but when I look in my db, the System.out.println isn't being stored so I believe it's just a print issue. I'd greatly appreciate some help.


When using Log.d, I get the following output:

09-08 12:29:15.925  13757-13757/com.example D/IMAGES are:﹕ [
poCcNRCTKeVtxbmyGiIaq5OfFg3b5Vce.jpg, , , , ]

From looking at that, I'm guessing a new line character is present between the two jpgs. How can I test for that and replace with a ","?


  • Including temp1.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), has fixed my problem. Here is the full code:

    for (String e : images){
            String temp = e.replaceFirst(strSeparator, "");
            String temp1 = temp.replace(strSeparator, ", ");
            String temp2 = temp1.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "");
            System.out.println("IMAGES are: " + temp2);