I want to display date times created by other users in the time zone the current user is logged in.
I have come across
config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)' and
config.active_record.default_timezone = :local
But how can I set this to the timezone of user logged in currently, and will it save the date time saved by other users in their timezone and view to other users in their specific timezone?
Consider this code in your ApplicationController
around_action :switch_time_zone, :if => :current_user
def switch_time_zone(&block)
Time.use_zone(current_user.time_zone, &block)
It wraps the current request with Time.use_zone( current_user.time_zone )
, which sets the app's current time zone to be the current user's time zone for the entire request and should cause all of your times to be rendered out in the current user's time zone, unless specifically converted to a time zone.