I am a newbie in ASP.NET, having trouble in how to call an inline User Defined Function in my ASP.NET web application.
Here, I have passed two arguments in my function - one is available leave(lv) and another one is duration (dr). I am simply subtracting dr from lv and returning the value. But I am having problem in calling the function.
I have tried "SELECT dbo.emp_leave_sub(lv,dr) as remaining" instead of the query "SELECT dbo.emp_leave_sub(lv,dr) FROM Employee1 where Employee1.emp_id='" + emp_id + "'" but it didn't work. I can not understand what I am doing wrong.
Looking forward to your kind reply. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Below is my function :
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.emp_leave_sub(@available int, @duration int)
-- Returns the availabe leave after deduction for the employee.
DECLARE @ret int;
SELECT @ret = @available - @duration;
RETURN @ret;
And this is from where I am calling my function :
SqlDataReader rdr;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection (ConfigurationManager.
string sub_leave = "SELECT dbo.emp_leave_sub(lv,dr) FROM ` ` Employee1 where Employee1.emp_id='" + emp_id + "'";
SqlCommand com2 = new SqlCommand(sub_leave, conn);
com2.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
using (conn)
//read data from the table to our data reader
rdr = com2.ExecuteReader();
//loop through each row we have read
while (rdr.Read())
remaining = rdr.GetInt32(0);
Try to do this:
SqlDataReader rdr;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PMSConnectionString"].ConnectionString))
string sub_leave = "SELECT dbo.emp_leave_sub(@available,@duration) FROM Employee1 where Employee1.emp_id=@empid";
SqlCommand com2 = new SqlCommand(sub_leave, conn);
com2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@available", your value);
com2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@duration", your value);
com2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@empid", emp_id);
com2.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
//read data from the table to our data reader
rdr = com2.ExecuteReader();
//loop through each row we have read
while (rdr.Read())
remaining = rdr.GetInt32(0);