I have the following code on my Coldfusion:
<CFSET ID="TIM#DateFormat(now(), 'YYYYMMDD')##TimeFormat(Now(),'HHmmssl')#">
That produces (different on time, of course):
I try to get the same result with ruby but I'm stuck at:
t = Time.new()
ID = t.strftime("%Y%m%d")
puts "ID=TIM#{ID}"
I'm stuck on producing the output of TimeFormat(Now(),'HHmmssl')
Any help?
EDIT: Maybe something like:
You can combine the format of the datetime output in both languages. Your desired string would be:
ID = Time.new().strftime("TIM%Y%m%d%H%M%S%L")
in Ruby and...
<cfset ID = ("TIM" & dateTimeFormat(now(), "yyyymmddHHnnssl"))>
in Coldfusion.
You can test these simple things online by visiting free services like trytuby.org and trycf.com