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widths not adhered to when using grid.layout

I'm trying to create a layout similar to

Example layout

But whatever I set for the widths the layout keeps using the full width of the panel for Plot with the following code:

masterLayout <- grid.layout(
    nrow    = 4,
    ncol    = 1,
    widths  = c(1,0.6,1,1),
    heights = c(.2,.6,.1,.1))

vp1 <- viewport(layout.pos.row=1, name="title")
vp2 <- viewport(layout.pos.row=2, name="plot")
vp3 <- viewport(layout.pos.row=3, name="legend")
vp4 <- viewport(layout.pos.row=4, name="caption")

pushViewport(vpTree(viewport(layout = masterLayout, name = "master"),
                    vpList(vp1, vp2, vp3, vp4)))

How can I replicate the layout in the image using the grid package?


  • grid.layout makes a rectangular table, so for a given column (row) all widths (resp. heights) will be equal. Your approach of pushing a viewport of specific dimensions inside the cell is probably the easiest.

    As an alternative approach, you could make a layout with more columns, and specify which range of cells to use for a specific grob.

    gs <- lapply(1:4, function(ii) 
      grobTree(rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill=ii, alpha=0.5)), textGrob(ii)))
    m <- rbind(c(1,  1,  1), 
               c(NA, 2, NA),
               c(3,  3,  3), 
               c(4,  4,  4))
    grid.arrange(grobs = gs, 
                 layout_matrix = m,
                 heights=unit(c(1,1,1,1), c("line", "null", "line")),
                 widths = unit(c(0.2,0.6,0.2), "npc"))

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