I recently wrote a script that sent me an email if a website I wanted to monitor had changed using smtplib. The program works, and I get the email but when I look at the sent email (as I am sending myself the email from the same account), it says that there is no recipient or 'To:' address, only a Bcc with the address I want the email to be sent to. Is this a feature of smtplib -- that it doesn't actually add a 'To:' address, only Bcc addresses? code is as follows:
if (old_source != new_source):
# now we create a mesasge to send via email
fromAddr = "example@gmail.com"
toAddr = "example@gmail.com"
msg = ""
# smtp login
username = "example@gmail.com"
pswd = "password"
# create server object and login to the gmail smtp
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("smtp.gmail.com", 465)
server.login(username, pswd)
server.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddr, msg)
Updating your code as follows will do the trick:
if (old_source != new_source):
# now we create a mesasge to send via email
fromAddr = "example@gmail.com"
toAddr = "example@gmail.com"
msg = ""
# smtp login
username = "example@gmail.com"
pswd = "password"
# create server object and login to the gmail smtp
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("smtp.gmail.com", 465)
header = 'To:' + toAddr + '\n' + 'From: ' + fromAddr + '\n' + 'Subject:testing \n'
msg = header + msg
server.login(username, pswd)
server.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddr, msg)