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How to make an Autohotkey automatically run at startup?

I tried to create simple .ahk script for remapping RightControl on AppsKey (win context menu). I've just put RCtrl::AppsKey in file.
It's working after I launch it, but it doesn't automatically start with Windows. I tried it with AllUsers\..\Startup and CurrentUser\..\Startup, but none of them did the job.

Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance.


  • Have you tried to copy other files into your startup folders? Is it working for the other files? It's very possible that your problem isn't directly related to AutoHotkey.

    Another thing you could try is a startup entry in your registry. Just put this line into your script and run it once:

    RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, %A_ScriptName%, %A_ScriptFullPath%