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Use Twitter API with Laravel AngularJS Satellizer

I've created an app with working log in to twitter via angularjs front end and Laravel back end and using the Satellizer library.

Now I want to interact with the Twitter Rest API, using the oAuth generated by satellizer, does anyone have a suggestion or library to do this? I've checked out thujohn/twitter Laravel plugin but I cant make it play nice with Satellizer and it doesnt cover all the api calls I want (search tweets, reply to tweets, get user timelines, get profiles)

All help appreciated!



  • For anyone else in a similar situation: I found it easiest to just write my own functions rather than use a second lib.

    Example route : Route::post('tweet', ['middleware' => 'auth', 'uses' => 'TwitterController@tweet']); Example controller function: public function searchTweets(Request $request) { // $url = ''; $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(); $user = User::find($request['user']['sub']); $profileOauth = new Oauth1([ 'consumer_key' => Config::get('app.twitter_key'), 'consumer_secret' => Config::get('app.twitter_secret'), 'token' => $user->oauthToken, 'token_secret' => $user->oauthVerifier ]); $client->getEmitter()->attach($profileOauth); $response = $client->get($url, ['auth' => 'oauth', 'query' => ['q' => $request->input('q'), 'result_type' => $request->input('result_type'), #'since_id' => $request->input('since_id', 0), #'max_id' => $request->input('max_id', 0), 'count' => $request->input('count')] ])->json(); return $response; }

    And this is in my angularJS twitter factory: var vm = {}; vm.tweets = []; vm.busy = false; vm.outreaches = 0; vm.retweets = 0; vm.favourites = 0; vm.followed = 0; vm.status = ''; vm.since_id = null; vm.until = null; vm.max_id = null; vm.count = 100; vm.q = ''; vm.result_type = 'mixed'; /* * mixed: Include both popular and real time results in the response. * recent: return only the most recent results in the response * popular: return only the most popular results in the response. */ vm.searchTweets = function () { if (vm.busy) { return; } vm.busy = true; var url = "/twitter/search"; $http({ url: url, method: "GET", params: { q: vm.q, result_type: vm.result_type || 'mixed', count: vm.count || 100, since_id: vm.since_id || null, //until: vm.until || null, max_id: vm.max_id || null } }).then(function (response) { var newTweets =; console.log('newTweets: '); console.log(newTweets); for (var i = 0; i < newTweets.length; i++) { vm.tweets.push(newTweets[i]); } vm.since_id = vm.tweets[vm.tweets.length - 1].id_str; vm.busy = false; }, function (response) { // called asynchronously if an error occurs // or server returns response with an error status. console.log(response); angular.forEach(, function(value, key){ $window.Materialize.toast(value.message, 3000); }); }); };