I am using Couchbase 3.0 and I have a use case where I want to perform sorting, but as i cam through couchbase does not provide Sorting on Values but it provides Sorting on Keys, But as I use descending(true) it is returning me empty list. And on the other hand If I just simply use it without descending then it is giving me all the docs related.
My Map function is :
function (doc, meta) {
Now my use case is that I want to perform a match query on meta.id and then for all the matched cases sort the data and then find out the top values.
The code that i am using to so is :
ViewQuery.from(DesignDocName, viewName).startKey(JsonArray.from(write(List("something","")))).descending(true).limit(5).stale(Stale.FALSE))
If I remove the descending parameter then I get the related rows but they are not sorted. So could you please provide me a way in which this can be done.
Any Help is appreciated
I was reading Couchbase's docs and stumbled upon this line:
Because selection is made after sorting the view results, if you configure the results to be sorted in descending order and you are selecting information using a key range, then you must also reverse the startkey and endkey parameters.
see here: http://docs.couchbase.com/admin/admin/Views/views-querying.html#ordering