Search code examples

PHP MySQL Query most popular in last 24 hours

Say I want to get ten records with the MOST likes in the last 24 hours. Here's what I have so far:

$date = date("o-m-d");
$query = "SELECT date_created,COUNT(to),from,to FROM likes WHERE date_created LIKE '$date%' GROUP BY to ORDER BY COUNT(to) DESC LIMIT 10";

The problem with that is that it only gets the most liked from THAT DAY, no matter how far into that day it is. It doesn't get the most liked from the last 24 hours.

structure for likes: from | to | date_created | id

dates are in standard ISO time - example 2010-07-14T00:35:31-04:00. Come straight from the PHP reference: date("c");


  • WHERE date_created > DATE_SUB( NOW(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR)