Is there anyway to identify when the mathjax is fully loaded to process mathematics. I need to hide my mathematics equations before mathjax is fully loaded and show 'loading' message in mean time.
For those who might be looking for the answer, this is the response i got from Mathjax developer
The way to synchronize with MathJax's startup actions it to register a StartupHook that will fire when the startup is complete. For example, you can use
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End",function () { ... your startup code here ... });
at the end of the tag that configures MathJax, or in a separate tag just after loading MathJax if you are using the default MathJax configuration file in MathJax/config/MathJax.js. That should let you hook into MathJax's initialization sequence so you can do your own setup at the right time.
Thanks David