I'm trying to install EPIC using the Pulse Explorer for Eclipse (as I'm rather fond of sharing profiles :). When I go to install the plugin under my account, I get asked for a login into http://e-p-i-c.sf.net
However, the Epic's team documentation doesn't mention anything about a login.
Here's what I've done:
The error shows up while it's all downloading/installing. Login boxes start to appear for epic related components, and I don't have credentials to put in so all I can do is hit cancel. If I hit cancel, the process fails at the end with the generic error message: "an unexpected error occurred preparing to install and/or launch the selected profile".
Bundles that are failing to download are:
The component that's exploding is called:
I've had the same effect on Pulse 0.5.x and 0.6.x.
No clue where to go from here. Might contact the EPIC and Pulse teams and ask them, but thought that I'd get a better response from here. I'm somewhat sure I'm doing something wrong.
This problem looks to be linked to the way Sourceforge lets you run concurrent connections, which Pulse is quite fond of.
If you want to install Epic inside a Pulse profile, it boils down to using the following update site URLs (depending on the version of EPIC you're going to want to run). Before you start, you might want to choose if you want to be on the Stable or Unstable branch:
Just add this into your Pulse profile's 'Personal Sites' section. Here's what I did: