Please help me get this work :(
(My objective is to count words in a file from input.txt file.)
I get 8 compiling errors in the following code. (All cannot find symbol) Compiler points out:
Lines of code with errors are bold.
Any idea what is wrong with my code? I'm a beginer with java and help is greatly aprecited.
public String[] process() throws Exception {
String[] ret = new String[20];
// Pass user id
// Get the index into array
Integer[] indexes = this.getIndexes();
// Create Array to store input.txt
String[] titleList = new String[10000];
// Put each line of input.txt in Array
**for (String line : Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(this.inputFileName))){
// Create array to store list of words to be proccess
String[] filterList = new String[50000];
// Look for words in file
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++){
// Tokennize, lower case, trim and stop delimiter.
**StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(titleList.get(indexes[i]).trim().toLowerCase(), this.delimiters);**
// Add word to Filter list array
// Remove stopWords from filter list array.
// Declaring the map to count
**Map<String, Integer> map = new Map< String, Integer>();**
// Loop to count
for (int i = 0; i < filterList.length; i++ ){
// Get the word
String word = filterList[i];
//Count the word
if (map.get(word) != null) {
// another occurence of an existing
// word
int count = map.get(word);
map.put(word, count);
} else {
// first occurence of this word
map.put(word, 1);
// Sort the list by frequency in a descending order. Use sort function.
// map.collections.sort( list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<word, count>>();
// Display first 20 words.
**for (int i =0; i < map.length && i < 20; i++){
return ret;
Ok, so I got it t work. It was a bit more difficult because the file given could not be debug with the IDE. The issues were pretty simple.
I get 8 compiling errors in the following code. (All cannot find symbol) Compiler points out:
1- The letter "P" in "Paths.get". (I needed to import library: import java.nio.file.Paths;)
2- The letter "F" in "Files.readAllLines" (I needed to import library: import java.nio.file.Files;)
3- The symbol "." in "titleList.add(line)" (The method .add is only available in collections, e.g. ArrayList I was trying to use it in an Array. )
4- The symbol "." in "titleList.get"
(The method .get is only available in collections, e.g. ArrayList I was trying to use it in an Array. )
5- The symbol "." in "st.add(filterList);"
(The method .add is only available in collections, e.g. ArrayList I was trying to use it in a StringTokenizer )
6- The symbol "." in "filterList.removelAll(stopWordsArray);"
(The method .get is only available in collections, e.g. ArrayList I was trying to use it in an Array. )
7- The letter "n" in "Map map = new Map< String, Integer>();"
(Map needed to be initialise to be a type of Map. Not only Map. E.g. HashMap)
8- The symbol "." in "for (int i =0; i < map.length && i < 20; i++)"
(Length is not a property of maps; Size must be use instead.)
Kind regards