How can I return the full list of document properties in a Spotfire file, using Ironpython.
Properties can be set by
Document.Properties["myProperty"] = "myValue"
I would like to do something like
for myProperty in Document.Properties:
print myProperty
#Some checks like if myProperty.Name = 'name1' then ...
Found this, but can't get it to work yet (it returns more then just the properties:
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
for DocProp in Document.Data.Properties.GetProperties(DataPropertyClass.Document):
print DocProp.Name, DocProp.Value
there is a property of the DocumentProperty object called isUserVisible
that can help you here.
technically all the things that appear in your list are Document Properties (as in, they are "properties of the document"), and they are accessible via Edit»Document Properties. to get the DocumentProperties you are expecting (as in, "variables created in this document") you can run something like the following:
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataPropertyClass
for d in Document.Data.Properties.GetProperties(DataPropertyClass.Document):
if d.IsUserVisible: print d.Name, d.Value
you only need DataPropertyClass
for the enumeration; the same effect can be achieved with no imports:
for d in Document.Data.Properties.GetProperties(0):
if d.IsUserVisible: print d.Name, d.Value
(note that you will stil get the MaxMissingTimeParts
and FiscalYearOffset
properties that are created with each document by default.)