The question is to find the fixed amount you need to pay to a credit card company when -
bal = int(raw_input("Enter balance"))
rate = int(raw_input("enter rate"))
lower_b = bal/12
upper_b = (bal + ((rate*bal)/1200))/12
N= (lower_b+upper_b)/2
def Credit(bal,rate,N):
global upper_b
global lower_b
while (i<13):
paid = N
bal = bal - paid
print("Balance remains to be paid is %s" %(round(bal,2)))
Interest = rate * bal /1200
print("The interest added on is %s" %(round(Interest,2)))
print ("The amount that needs to be payed is %s " %(round(bal,2)))
if bal==0:
return N
elif 50 < bal < 2000 :
lower_b = N
upper_b = upper_b
N = (upper_b +lower_b)/2
return Credit(k,rate,N)
elif -2000<bal< -50:
upper_b = N
lower_b = lower_b
N = (lower_b +upper_b)/2
return Credit(k,rate,N)
elif -50 < bal < 50:
return N
return bal
My code never terminates. The problem is the value of N defined in the code is not changing. It remains fixed N = upper_b +lower_b)/2
Using recursion would not be the ideal approach, you also have logic errors including needing to get the interest rate for the month, your initial upper bound should be greater than the principal plus the interest. You can use a while loop with an inner for loop resetting the balance after each unsuccessful inner loop:
balance = int(raw_input("Enter balance"))
int_rate = float(raw_input("enter rate"))
int_rate /= 100
lower_b = balance / 12.
upper_b = ((balance * (1 + (int_rate / 12.0)) ** 12) / 12.0)
payment = (lower_b + upper_b) / 2
def Credit(bal, rate, low, high, pay):
new_b = bal
# calculate monthly interest rate
month_int = rate / 12
while abs(new_b) > 0.001: # use epsilon
# always reset balance
new_b = bal
for _ in range(12): # loop over 12 month range
new_b -= pay # deduct pay
new_b += month_int * new_b
# if we still have a balance we need to take more so set low to current payment
if new_b > 0:
low = pay
# else we took to much so set high to current payment
high = pay
pay = (low + high) / 2.0
return "Lowest monthly payment over 12 months: {}".format(pay)
print(Credit(balance, int_rate, lower_b, upper_b, payment))