Hi Stackover'followers :). I'm very much new to Stackoverflow. Let me put forward a question I have regarding Instant Contiki. Anybody who has idea on Instant Contiki, zolertia motes, REST Server, is welcomed to resolve it out.
I could successfully work on the two different motes by considering 'z1-websense.c' and 'rest-server-example.c'.
But I want to get the result of 'z1-websense.c' which is the temperature, by executing the 'rest-server-example.c'.
So, regarding this, there is something to be done in the 'rest-server-example.c' code, may be by calling a function
for z1-websense.c, which I'm unable to crack it.
Please help me out. Thanks in advance.
the rest-engine app on Contiki let's you set up resources and handlers for methods called on them.
So, if I understood, you want to tweak the resource GET handlers in er-example-server to taylor onto the z1 mote, in particular a resource for the battery sensor and a resource for the temperature one.
If you take a look at z1-websense.c the values are retrieved and simply scaled (lines 66-79).
static int
return battery_sensor.value(0);
static int
return temperature_sensor.value(0);
static float get_mybatt(void){ return (float) ((get_battery()*2.500*2)/4096);}
static float get_mytemp(void){ return (float) (((get_temp()*2.500)/4096)-0.986)*282;}
Take that code and inject it into the battery and temperature resources you can find hereenter link description here and you are done.
So in the end you will have something like
file res-battery.c, line 60 float battery = ( battery_sensor.value(0) *2.500*2) /4096 ;
You should do similarly for the temperature and you are done.
Remember to deactivate all sensors/resources you are not interested in, since they would take precious memory.
I cannot test it right now, but this should work.