Is it possible to programatically find out how many "cases" an Enum has in Swift 2 and iterate over them?
This code doesn't compile, but it gives yo an idea of what I'm trying to achieve:
enum HeaderStyles{
case h1
case h2
case h3
for item in HeaderStyles{
You can write a generic struct that provide that iteration ability. In example below the enum raw values must start with 0 (it does it by default) and have no gaps between raw values (can't have raw values such as 0,1,2,3,5 -- 4 is missing)
public struct EnumGenerator<T> : GeneratorType, SequenceType {
private let enumInit: Int -> T?
private var i: Int = 0
public mutating func next() -> T? { return enumInit(i++) }
public init(_ initFunc: Int -> T?){ self.enumInit = initFunc}
enum HeaderStyles:Int{
case h1
case h2
case h3
for item in EnumGenerator(HeaderStyles.init){