I want to perform part of speech tagging and entity recognition in python similar to Maxent_POS_Tag_Annotator and Maxent_Entity_Annotator functions of openNLP in R. I would prefer a code in python which takes input as textual sentence and gives output as different features- like number of "CC", number of "CD", number of "DT" etc.. CC, CD, DT are POS tags as used in Penn Treebank. So there should be 36 columns/features for POS tagging corresponding to 36 POS tags as in Penn Treebank POS. I want to implement this on Azure ML "Execute Python Script" module and Azure ML supports python 2.7.7. I heard nltk in python may does the job, but I am a beginner on python. Any help would be appreciated.
Take a look at NTLK book, Categorizing and Tagging Words section.
Simple example, it uses the Penn Treebank tagset:
from nltk.tag import pos_tag
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
pos_tag(word_tokenize("John's big idea isn't all that bad."))
[('John', 'NNP'),
("'s", 'POS'),
('big', 'JJ'),
('idea', 'NN'),
('is', 'VBZ'),
("n't", 'RB'),
('all', 'DT'),
('that', 'DT'),
('bad', 'JJ'),
('.', '.')]
Then you can use
from collections import defaultdict
counts = defaultdict(int)
for (word, tag) in pos_tag(word_tokenize("John's big idea isn't all that bad.")):
counts[tag] += 1
to get frequencies:
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {'JJ': 2, 'NN': 1, 'POS': 1, '.': 1, 'RB': 1, 'VBZ': 1, 'DT': 2, 'NNP': 1})