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getting font outline for hebrew text

I've edited a code I found to gets all the outline data of a text so I can manually draw it as lines in some other program. My code works great in English, but when I try to send Hebrew text the outlines turn to be in gibberish font.

The main steps of the code are: Typeface -> GlyphTypeface -> GlyphRun

And the main code is

Private m_gtf As System.Windows.Media.GlyphTypeface
Private m_glypText As GlyphRun
Private m_textFont As System.Drawing.Font

textFont = New Font("Aharoni", 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.World, 177, False)
m_typeface = New Typeface(New System.Windows.Media.FontFamily(m_textFont.Name), m_fontStyle, _
m_fontWeight, New System.Windows.FontStretch())

'then use m_gtf to crate the m_glyphIndices and advanceWidths vectors 

m_glypText = New GlyphRun(m_gtf, bidiLevel, False, m_height, m_glyphIndices, origin, advanceWidths, _ 
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

I think that my problem is with the "m_typeface = New Typeface(…" In this command there is no way to send the font gdiCharSet value.

Is there a way to get the typeface straight from the m_textFont? Or is there another way to do this?



  • Found the problem.

    I was using:

    Dim glyphIndex As UShort = m_gtf.CharacterToGlyphMap(Asc(m_textString(n)))

    but I had to use AscW to get the correct ascii code:

    Dim glyphIndex As UShort = m_gtf.CharacterToGlyphMap(AscW(m_textString(n)))

    now it works! Zohar